
People’s reviews of “You know”

Settembre 24, 2008 - Songs reviews

This tune is smooth and cool, the rhodes piano sounds great. Transition into the chorus is easy and fluid. Vocalist sounds a little weak/unsure of himself at times. I actually prefer the second, female vocalist. she sounds more solid and confident.
By johnvinyard – Seguin, Texas

1.) Not a very appealing intro … I must say.
2.) For the length of time that the intro goes on ( 25 secs ) …….. it’s longer than it should be.
3.) But … again when the bassy lead vocals kick in it picks up ….. and does manage to grab my attention …… I like the vocals.
4.) Somehow …… the emotional intensity of the male vocals could’ve been better delivered.
5.) The drums could sound better and performed tighter.
6.) The Cymbals or the overheads that are panned on the left …… kinda get on the nerves after a while …. something should be done about tht.
7.) I like the build up of the melody …. has interesting contrasting sections to keep the listeners interested.
8.) Like the kinda funk guitars panned on the right …. they enhance the mood of the song.
9.) I like the guitar solo and the slap bass at around 4:56 …. very nice !!! … I like it !!!
Not a bad job overall … Keep it up !!!
Cheers !!!
By Rahul_Bhatt

I love the spurratic drums licks in this track. The chimes in the beginning are a bit to loud bit it’s not terribly distracting. The mix of male-female vocals are a nice touch. The arrangement overall is masterful. Lots of chord changes keep the song interesting. The mood is somber but it seems light there is some light hanging on at the end of every phrase. This is well -contructed and very structurally sound.
By Fallenbrooke – Marysville, Washington

Simple but effective organ opening, nice percussion. The wind chime run cueing the vocal is a bit 1974, a bit cliched. Vocalist needs more effects to fill voice out. Chorus needs something to fill it out, maybe some “Oooooohhhs”, ooooohhhhs are always good. Interesting second vocal, or did the first singer put on tight trousers? Good levels, pretty clear production. Laid back sound, very Marin County 1974.
By Killerpatio – Sacramento, California

Chillin groove with solid and haunting vocals. Well balanced mix, cool acoustic and wah wah guitar split at the break. Nice female vocal switch. A great tune.
By johntafaro – West Paterson, New Jersey

cool ideas, but not entirely sure it completely works. i like some of the chords going on. very different sound. like an american oasis meets kula shaker with an unusual electronic element.
By Secondleft

This isn’t my kind of music but suprisingly I like the vocals. The music itself sounds like smooth jazz to me.
When the part changes (still before the female vocals), the vocals sort of began to turn me off. It sounds like he stepped away from the mike or something and it lost its power.
the female vocals remind me of madonna, but because of the accent I have a little difficulty understanding her. That’s not necessarily bad.
By amoslieber – Chicago – Illinois

Very nice piano beginnings. I love everything about this song execept for the singer. Really has a lot of potential, but seriously!….please get a different singer. Great bass line, nice wah on the guitar. Great song! The female voice that comes in alter sounds Asian and still doesn’t do this song any justice. If you guys can get a real singer, this song will surely climb the charts!
By TRICKSHOT – Denver, Colorado

Love the key sound and the initial beat. Lower end of vocals remind me of Billy Idol’s. Nice rim shots throughout and good use of cymbals.
Performance- use of drum track is pretty good, in general I dislike drum machines trying to sound authentic but this sounds ok. The female vocal really brings the sound to life, she has a nice voice.
Arrangement – Drum fills help to distingiush between parts which I like. Definate sections and a good arrangement. With use of female vocals again really working throughout.
Mood – Nice chilled feeliong throughout. Certainly gets better continuously throughout, if only it started as strong as it finished. Guitar at the end sounds nice. Don’t like the slap bass. Well produced.
By ThisIsTheLife – Essex, United Kingdom

nice keyboard sound on the intro…sounds like a piano sound mixed with a rhodes sound. drum sounds are nice on this and the verse beat is interesting and well broken up. good contrast having the female vocals come in…some intonation problems with the vocals though. guitar tone on the solo is nice and thick.
By TheBalticSea – Portland, Maine

this reminds of soundtrack music, or tunes for t.v. shows. also has a cibo matto vibe. I like the relaxed vibe of the music. the vocals are really warm. the mix could use some work a bit. the drums seem a little low. it seems the keys could come up to blend the vocals a bit. the vocals seem too loud and bury the music too much. nice interplay between the two vocalists. keep up the good work.
By joncooneymusic – Oakland, California

This sounds mood-wise like a lost 80s track, although there is a modern quality to it.
The male singer sounds much better in the chorus than in the verses. I like the female singer, she has a cool voice. Usually I don’t like this sort of duettos, but this one works.
I think it’s the arrangement and the performance that makes it sound 80s.
This is a very vocal driven song. Everything else stays in the background. It works fairly well, but I miss at times more elaborate arrangement. I am not a huge fan of the guitar solo, tough.
By elizium

You have done an interesting arrangement on this track. The track requires a lot of concentration and it requires a sharpness to hold the listener more. The performance is alright but lacking passion.
By raysound

You need a more quality sounding keyboard..Performance is almost there. I like the sound you captured on the drum kit..the song has interesting changes, Engaging, and doing the unexpected..good creativity here..The lyrics need improvment, they are weak. come up with lyrics that grab ya. A more expert recording production and mix would be in order here. Good lead guitar sound captured. All in all you need to evolve the song more to a high point. The song is not fully realized.
Keep on Keepin on !
By frankzee – Allentown, Pennsylvania

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