
People’s review of “It’s just me”

Ottobre 9, 2008 - Songs reviews

Great lyrics with lots of emotion and beautiful music.
By SqurlyMurly – Chesapeake City Maryland – USA

The tune and the vocals start out a little tenative here. The chorus is better written than the verse. One thing I think would help you a lot is to get some flow into your vocals, more control of your air, the lines throughout the beginning of the song are sort of choppy like you’re talking more than singing, at least til the song gets louder – the dramatic part. I understand that you’re starting the song more simplistic so when it gets to the payoff it hits harder, however the vocals during the mellower setup are coming from your neck and not your chest. On the internet, some people may not make it past the somewhat mediocre first minute of this to the crux of the song, very short attention spans these days. 🙂 The backing keys are excellent, well done. The payoff part (someone is dying, it’s just me) is superb – fully realized, I’d say. Nice work. Great vocals and wall-of-sound backing, what a hook! Then the song ends far too fast, you can ride that a lot longer, possibly with a full instrumental solo in the same vein and back to the dramatic vocals again. As it is, it’s a great last half of a song, shows you got major talent.
By The A&R Guy

Nice arrangement, one we don’t hear that often these days: acoustic, piano, plus orchestrations. Massive dynamics change, in the span of 3:30.
By Galaxian1 – Aspen, Colorado – USA

Acoustic guitar is nicely recorded, crisp and clear. The vocals are also recorded and mixed fairly well. The song gets a little better towards the end and the vocalist sounds much more comfortable in the outro, probably as a result of a much better written section of the song – musically and lyrically.
By PerryMerritt – Chicago, Illinois – USA

This is very English indeed the mood is very moody and honest the production is not bad at all it starts off very simple and a big lavish ending at the end is really cool and unexpected.
I like the singer singing in his own voice
The Druid.
By StephenG – Ireland

I like this a lot .Not sure if its prog but if you panned things around in the mix {its pretty mono} this would really be great.I like the delayed vocals.THe only thing that doesnt work is those damn bongos.Pretty good track though I do like how you build the end up and then drop out again
By alnzoelectrcill – Grants Pass, Oregon – USA

Wow…that statement alone suggests recreational drug use. ha!
At 2:18 forth as the song evolves is much more attractive than the track up till then.
Outro is good..(till the change I didn’t like at all).
production sounds fine, sounds like it took some time to get the echos where you wanted them…nice job.
The mood is as you had intended I’m sure.. Solem
By thenoisetemple – Fitchburg, Wisconsin – USA

“Blowing cold,” “by the phone” delay and general vocal tricks could be toned down without the track being any worse off.
Track is quite simple, and the production does a good job of filling it out.
When the other elements are introduced at about 2:20 there is a sense that this could have come in a bit earlier.
“Someone is dying its just me” – you dont need the follow on countermelody reply as the line is strong enough without it and not having this would give the vocal space to breath and the listener time to reflect.
The change of tempo with the outro struck a good balance but I would have liked to have seen this come in a bit sooner, and develop more, perhaps more lyrics.
By Audiostein – UK

Johnny Cash style vocals are far too high in the mix in comparison to the electric guitar. Other than that the production is good. The piano and strings are a nice addition and the mood is reminiscent of a Shadow Gallery or Kamelot track, very introspective and emotional. The outro provides a nice ending to the piece.
By Thom_Barnes – Leeds – UK

The opening vox sound a bit like Lou Reed and I liked that. Smooth start gets into some nice but simple piano work. The lyrics are cool man! This is a very interesting song as the vocals pick up. Lots of cool tricks… bongos… great job guys!
By Valdez – Pasadena, California – USA

cool depressing vibe, effects could have been produced a little better doesnt quite fit at times.
By lyniah – Lodi, California – USA

Interesting song, cool, relaxing, mood, nice touch.
Sleepy vocals are quite good, and acoustic guitar gives this song nice feel. Piano is also nice touch!
Thumbs up
By Gold_Rush – New York – USA

At first I thought this was a nice little folk song that someone accidentally slipped into the wrong genre, but towards the end when the different influences started coming in, I realized this is definitely in the right place. Nailed the production on this one; sounds great. Also very creative in the mix and panning of vocals. Guitar playing is nice (I’m a sucker for acoustic guitar arpeggios), but the piano, bass, and drums all play an equally important part and were played very well. Lyrics were catchy and memorable, and the vocalist is an odd mix of Willie Nelson and the guy from Lycia, which is a great combination. The best part of the song is the last minute or so, where first we have some world music influence in the percussion, and finally some good old fashioned heavy rock balladry. And all that in under four minutes. Nice job!
By ethanstubblefield – Kirkwood, Missouri – USA

love the skill of the gibson sound
great way to go tv song service
loved the feel vocally mix mastered in greatness
ears are feeling the buzz of greatness tv songs
By Moosman – Kyrgyzstan

Echoes of Dylan and Reed reverberate through my head as I listen to this vocalist. Desolate, desperate, depressing mood fills me as I listen. Kinda get a Pink Floydesk feel too, probably from the late echo. Might have overused the echo a bit. The song is simple and so the production level is decent. Ok, i had to listen again to make sure but I dont like the conga part, seems way out of place in this tune. Nothin too special about the ending….
By PrymalRhythm – Loveland, Colorado – USA

Good guitar part to this song. The lyrics seemed good, but higher vocals would make the song sound better. I like the gloomy mood to the song, and the outro was good but there should be more lyrics than the “its just me” part.
By shapptastic – Townsend, Montana – USA

I listened at this song until the end … but it is not really the genre I love , mainly it is not progressive-rock but maybe pop ..
It is a classic guitar+voice song with not special notes to remark…
It is well recorded with a “nashville” sound .. the vocal part has some “soul” in its expressivity , the song theme anyway its not “memorable”.
The theme mood transmits a little sadness.
Anyway I think it is just my personal taste its that I love more instrumental music and I give big value to originality and dreamy atmospheres.
Go ahead anyway!!
By Franco_Sonaglia – Fabriano – Italia

Production is outstanding. However, the vocals definetely grind on my nerves. Not necessarily off key but I do not like the echo. The lyrics are somewhat cheesy…lines like “the sun is freezing the trees” leave me wondering if the lyricist knows what he is saying. The synth sounds terrible here. I would absolutely get rid of the echo. I like the telefonish drum beat, reminds me of bowie at times.
By Aereum

Forewarning: definitely not my cup of tea….. guitar sounds nicely produced….. vocals, erm….. somewhat on-key, but the contrived and shifting delivery and arbitrary echo effects aren’t really working….. not the kind of voice suited to such bare production….. some reverb would be a benefit….. generic strings….. drum programming competent, but very overblown arena-evoking development through the crescendo section….. I do hear the Floyd in there, the production is nice, and at least there’s musicality to the development into the outro, but the vocals and the schmaltzy Moody Blues style chord progression isn’t the greatest either….. still, certainly competent, save for the vocals – all else aside, the inflection needs to not vary so much from line to line…..
By noumenon – Los Angeles, California – USA

The outro is the best part of the song. It takes way too long for it to come in. The intro is too simplistic – it’s missing elements from the heart of the song – the outro.
This song seems premature. I appreciate the originality in the structure of the song – but the originality is lost in the melancholy intro. Try developing more themes (perhaps using different chords) throughout the song before the outro.
By twentytwelvegtr – Washington, DC – USA

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