
Unusual Roots

Novembre 15, 2011 - Uncategorized


Don’t go (feat. Phil Naro)
Loser (feat. Andrea Garrison)
Aprile (alt. version)
Loser (instrumental)

Franco Bussoli – bass.
Enzo Bellocchio – drums.
Claudio Lapenna – piano, keyboards, vocals.
Dario Lastella – guitars, synth, vocals.

Phil Naro – Vocals on Don’t go.
Andrea Garrison – Vocals on Loser.
Luca Di Pardo – Drums on Loser and Incomunicabilità.
Núria Palau, Alexandra Milas, Maria Miele and Armando Varriano – Strings on Aprile.

Cover design by Andrea Pinti.
Mastering by Steve Kitch (Audiomaster) www.audiomaster.co.uk

Unusual Roots is a small collection of songs which are slightly different in style and sound from our “usual” production. In Unusual Roots we had the chance to work with excellent artists and friends who helped us to make these songs special.


Buy on Melodic Revolution Records.

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Unusual Roots

Novembre 13, 2011 - News

Melodic Revolution Records is proud to announce the release of the new ifsounds digital only EP. Unusual Roots to be released on November 15th 2011. Unusual Roots features 5 tracks some reworked tracks and a couple of new track, including the collaboration of Phil Naro (DDrive, Druckfarben, Jim Crean) on the song Don’t Go, the track Loser features Andrea Garrison on vocals. The EP also features three instrumentals. Incomunicabilità, Aprile, and a instrumental version of Loser. It will be available at a special low price of only $ 3.99.

Anyway there’s a big offer for our old friends… Send us a photo of you with your copy of one of our old albums and you can get Unusual Roots for free!!!

Two videos have been shot for this Don’t Go and Loser you can view those at the links below.

Don’t Go featuring Phil Naro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv5DgqLYdns

Loser featuring Andrea Garrison: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1w3wVklrD0

A statement from the band:
Unusual Roots is a small collection of songs which are slightly different in style and sound from our “usual” production. In Unusual Roots we had the chance to work with excellent artists and friends who helped us to make these songs special.

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