
prog rock

MMXX su ProgressivaMente

Bellissima recensione di Luigi Cattaneo sul suo blog ProgressivaMente. Ottimo ritorno per gli abruzzesi Ifsounds, band di cui abbiamo già parlato in occasione di Reset e An Gorta Mor, e che ritroviamo in grande forma con l’ultimo MMXX, uscito nel 2023 per Melodic Revolution Records. Si tratta di uno dei ...

MMXX – Pre-order and Release

ENG An ambitious and insightful choral album for the Italian band, flagship of the American label MRR. Their seventh work is an album full of polyphonic and contemporary prog-rock MMXX: ifsounds are back! «MMXX is a very ambitious record, a step forward in our artistic history. We tried to blend ...

Mediterranean Floor – The video

The story of Mediterranean Floor Population migration is as old as civilization, once fueled by curiosity and exploration; now by fear. A people fleeing war, poverty, violence, climate change and hoping to give future generations stability. The story of those brave enough to walk out of Africa through the Mediterranean ...

Reset su Vento Nuovo

Bella recensione di Marco Vittoria sul quotidiano romano Vento Nuovo. Grazie mille!

Reset on DPRP

Nice review by Peter Swanson on the Dutch webzine DPRP.net. 7.5 out of 10! Reset is the third full album by this Italian band. (…). Their first album, Apeirophobia (2010), got a nomination as Best Italian Album of the Year at ProgAwards.it. After the release of their second album, Red ...

Reset on Progwereld

Nice review by Dick van der Heijde of the Dutch webzine Progwereld.

Red Apple reviewed on MLWZ

Thanks to our friends Artur Chachlowski and Andrzej Barwicki for the nice review (in Polish) and for the airplay on MLWZ!!! Muszę się przyznać, że jest to moje pierwsze spotkanie z twórczością włoskiej formacji Ifsounds.

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