

ifsounds on new Polish webzine Rockella

Today is the great day of the launch of Rockella a new Polish webzine! And we’re honoured to have been contacted by Kuba Henrewicz and to be in this launch with a great review and an interview on this brand new site. (follow the links for the original in Polish). So, ...

Interview on ProgArchives.com

Torodd Fuglesteg interviewed Dario and Claudio for ProgArchives, probably the most important site about prog rock music in the world. Here‘s the interview. When, where and by whom was If/Ifsounds formed ? Why did you choose that name ? Dario: Hi Torodd. Claudio, Franco and me together with drummer Pietro ...

Interview on “Renacer Eléctrico” (in Spanish)

Sergio Guillén from Spanish webzine Renacer Eléctrico sent me very interesting questions for a really nice interview that he published this week. Thanks Sergio for the space you dedicated to our music again! IFSOUNDS: ART ROCK A LA ITALIANA De 1993 a 2000 Dario Lastella se baquetea junto a If ...

Dario with Jordi and Jan Orriols (“La Radio del Alma”)

This is the link to the show that my friend Jordi dedicated to if. http://laradiodelalma.blogspot.com/2007/04/el-mago-de-los-sueos.html

Interview on “Nucleus” (2007-01-21) by Sergio Vidal

Hi Darío, would you mind to introduce us to if , and tell about the project, history, members and where you’re from? Hi to all the friends of Nucleus. if are four Italian guys: Franco Bussoli plays bass guitar, Paolo De Santis is the vocalist, Claudio Lapenna plays piano and ...

Intervista su Primonumero a Claudio e Dario

Dischi composti su Internet. La web-musica degli ‘if’ Realizzano i loro brani attraverso Internet e hanno ‘inventato’ un nuovo sistema di produrre musica. Ora la band bassomolisana ha sfornato il primo cd distribuito dai canali ufficiali. Si chiama “The Stairway” ed è un viaggio onirico raccontato in progressive rock. Claudio ...

Intervista a Dario su VastoSanSalvo.it (15-01-2006)

Sul sito internet Independent Artist Company, uno dei portali musicali più grandi al mondo che ospita tra gli altri anche artisti del calibro di Pete Townshend degli Who, Suzanne Vega e Ani DiFranco, c’è anche un gruppo basso-molisano che ha raggiunto il secondo posto nella classifica Classical. Conosciamo oggi gli ...

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