


19 Novembre 2015

Posted By: dario // Read More

Reset sul sito polacco MLWZ

Reset recensito sul MLWZ, il sito dell’amico Artur Chachlowski.

11 Dicembre 2012

Posted By: dario // Read More

Red Apple reviewed on MLWZ

Thanks to our friends Artur Chachlowski and Andrzej Barwicki for the nice review (in Polish) and for the airplay on MLWZ!!! Muszę się przyznać, że jest to moje pierwsze spotkanie z twórczością włoskiej formacji Ifsounds.

15 Novembre 2010

Posted By: dario // Read More

Dopo l’airplay, la recensione…

Dopo aver messo tre brani del disco nel suo programma, Artur Chachlowski ha pubblicato su MLWZ una fantastica recensione di Apeirophobia. L’amico Vini Corsini, cantante del gruppo SOLO e DJ in Polonia mi ha aiutato con la non facile traduzione dal polacco… Grazie mille ad Artur e a Vini! È ...

11 Novembre 2010

Posted By: dario // Read More

ifsounds on MLWZ

Yesterday the 10th of November three songs from Apeirophobia played in the fine MLWZ radio show (Radio Alfa – Krakow, Poland) directed by Artur Chachlowki. Thank you Artur for your friendship and for the space you keep on dedicating to our music! You can listen to the show here.

11 Giugno 2010

Posted By: dario // Read More

Thanks a lot!

A lot of new friends joined ifsounds these days… Thank you all a lot! We received e-mails from everywhere: U.S.A., The Netherlands, Korea, Mexico, Germany, U.K., Sweden, Finland, France, New Zealand, Poland and many other Countries. Thanks to Artur from the Polish MLWZ, to Torodd and Guillermo from ProgArchives, to ...

13 Giugno 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Morpho Nestira on MLWZ (English Version)

Artur Chachlowski published some weeks ago a review of Morpho Nestira in Polish… well it was quite hard for us to understand if he really liked our work ;-)! Yesterday Artur has republished his review translated in English on his MLWZ and… thanks a lot, what a great review!!! We’re ...

08 Maggio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Morpho Nestira on MLWZ – Review by Artur Chachlowski

As I wrote in the previous post, Artur Chachlowki published a review of Morpho Nestira on his page MLWZ. Here’s his review (in Polish…). Dario Lastella wysyłając mi nową płytę grupy If dołączył krótki liścik, który zakończył takimi słowami: „Artur, mam nadzieję, że nasz nowy album będzie ci się podobać ...

04 Maggio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

if on MLWZ

Our friend Artur Chachlowski will play several songs from Morpho Nestira on his show MLWZ broadcasted on the Polish radio Radio Alfa 102.4 in Krakow. The show will be on air from 8 to 10 p.m. Wednesday the 6th of May, and will be available by podcast on MLWZ page. ...

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