
Andrea Pinti


11 Ottobre 2012

Posted By: dario // Read More

Red Apple. 6th November 2012.

ifsounds‘ new album is coming… Cover art by Andrea Pinti. “Red Apple” is inspired by the novel “Mela Rossa” written by Dario Lastella.

04 Settembre 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Interview with Andrea Pinti, the genius behind ifsounds’ cover arts

Andrea Pinti is the artist who painted the last two cover arts of the ifsounds‘ albums. Let’s know better this visionary artist. – Hi Andrea. First of all tell us something about you, your job and your art. I’m a 35 years old architect from Florence, with a strong passion ...

03 Settembre 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Intervista ad Andrea Pinti, il genio dietro le copertine

Andrea Pinti è l’artista visuale e “visionario” che ha prestato il suo talento per dare un’immagine agli ultimi due dischi degli ifsounds. Conosciamolo meglio. – Ciao Andrea. Innanzi tutto parlaci di te e delle tue attività lavorative e artistiche. Ok , ci provo: sono un architetto frustrato trentacinquenne (quasi) con ...

12 Febbraio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

New if Desktops

Many people love Andrea Pinti‘s fine artwork for Morpho Nestira, so we prepared some free desktops for our friends. We’ve got three different sizes with three slightly different designs. Download them for free and customize your desktop! Desktop 1 – 1024×768 Desktop 2 – 1280×800 Desktop 3 – 1280×1024

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