
Andrea Garrison

ifsounds Online with Andrea

Here’s the link of the Online with Andrea show “ifsounds Reset with Dario Lastella”. Thanks to the wonderful host Andrea Garrison for the time she always dedicates to our music. Enjoy! Ifsounds Reset With Dario Lastella

Unusual Roots on Classic Rock Society Magazine

Melodic Revolution Records This digital only EP was released in November 2011, featuring a combination of reworked and new tracks, and completed in collaboration with Phil Naro (DDrive, Druckfarben, Jim Crean) on ‘Don’t Go’ and the ethereal Andrea Garrison on ‘Loser’.  There is a general homespun feel to this release, ...

The Crossing Over Of Mattie Pearl by Andrea Garrison – Online with Andrea

The Crossing Over Of Mattie Pearl by our great friend Andrea Garrison is now available as an e-book on Kindle Edition on Amazon!!! This is the link. And this is the link to the physical edition!!! This is an inspirational true story about a woman’s spiritual journey to the other ...

ifsounds on AiiRadio

Tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. EST (11 p.m. in Central Europe) Andrea Garrison will host Claudio and Dario in her show Online With Andrea on AiiRadio.net. 2 hours with ifsounds on air!!!

ifsounds + Andrea Garrison – Loser

ifsounds are proud to introduce Loser… it’s a very special song thanks to the magic touch of our great friend Andrea Garrison! This song is in our EP Unusual Roots to be released on Tuesday the 15th of November.

Unusual roots. Coming soon…

Coming soon the EP Unusual Roots. Very special ifsounds’ songs featuring great friends as Phil Naro, Andrea Garrison… Stay tuned!

Listen to AiiRadio!

One of the best Indie radios on the web, with a lot of brilliant DJs and friends, like Brian, Tony, Shelly, Manuela… And of course our great friends Nick Katona, Andrea Garrison and John Orr Franklin! So join the AiiRadio family on Facebook and on their chat and enjoy the ...

Strength compilation on “Online with Andrea”

On Monday, March 28th from 7pm – 10pm Eastern Onlinewithandrea features the latest There Is Hope Records CD release to aid the crisis in Japan.  Listen Live or Listen to the Archive via the same link. Strength For Japan Nick Katona from There Is Hope Records in conjunction with Melodic Revolution Records ...

Apeirophobia reviewed by Andrea Garrison

When Andrea Garrison writes a review, she always succeeds in touching the very soul of the artists. Thanks a lot, Andrea, for your kind words. In Greek apeiro means boundless or infinite and phobia means fear. Thus Apeirophobia is the fear of infinity. It is said that people who have ...

Online with Andrea

Last night was a very special night for me. I was the guest of the wonderful show Online with Andrea hosted by writer and deejay Andrea Garrison from New York City. It was a great 3-hours-long show completely dedicated to our music. You can listen it here or download it ...

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