
Summer breeze

ifsounds on MLWZ

Yesterday the 10th of November three songs from Apeirophobia played in the fine MLWZ radio show (Radio Alfa – Krakow, Poland) directed by Artur Chachlowki. Thank you Artur for your friendship and for the space you keep on dedicating to our music! You can listen to the show here.

Summer Breeze

If you like the song you can download it for FREE at https://www.ifsounds.com/dwnld/summer.zip. You can get the password to unzip the file signing in the form below or writing an e-mail to iftheband[at]gmail.com.

Apeirophobia – the Prerelease (ENG)

At least our new album “Apeirophobia” is ready. We want to share with all you friends this special moment for us. On Wednesday the 6th of October we’ll give out 10 CDs absolutely free to 10 lucky friends of us. Yes, absolutely free, not even the mailing cost. On Wednesday ...

Apeirophobia – the Prerelease (ITA)

Finalmente è pronto “Apeirophobia”, il nostro nuovo album e vogliamo condividere con tutti i nostri amici questo momento speciale. Mercoledì 6 ottobre regaleremo 10 CD a 10 fortunati vincitori scelti tra i nostri amici registrati. Sì, 10 CD gratis, spediti direttamente a casa vostra senza nessun costo, neppure quelli di ...

Apeirophobia – Fase di Mastering

Abbiamo terminato i missaggi di Apeirophobia e li abbiamo spediti a Steve Kitch di Audio Master per il mastering. L’album sicuramente uscirà ad ottobre. Nel frattempo abbiamo alcune grandi notizie per voi fans. 1. Ogni fan registrato avrà l’occasione di scaricare gratis una delle canzoni di “Apeirophobia”, “Summer Breeze”. Il ...

Elena introduces Summer Breeze

Working on the video of “Summer Breeze”

Last week I’ve been working on the video of “Summer Breeze”. The video will merge footage of the band recording the song and images about inmigration (the song is about this social phenomenon and its psychological consequencences). Some friends of us helped me to record the video: Adams Sané (the ...

People’s reviews of “Summer breeze”

This is a very gentle souding song with some lovely delicate guitar playing. The lyric is very good and deep and the melody is listenable. I love the strings very much as they have been arranged very well. You sing it in a very laid back style which helps to ...

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