

Some review by friends of Progarchives

Progarchives is maybe the most important site dedicated to progressive rock. Many users have reviewed our albums. You can read here the reviews of Apeirophobia and here the other reviews. Some of them treated us very good… Thanks a lot to Finnforest, memowakeman, lucacatone, David Saez and frankiehendrix for your ...

2 reviews of if…sounds on ProgArchives.com

Thanks to Guillermo Hernández and Torodd Fuglesteg for the time that dedicated to our music. The reviews: It once was “If”, now, they are “Ifsounds” Ifsounds are an Italian band that was formed in the 90s, though their first album was released in 2004.

Thanks a lot!

A lot of new friends joined ifsounds these days… Thank you all a lot! We received e-mails from everywhere: U.S.A., The Netherlands, Korea, Mexico, Germany, U.K., Sweden, Finland, France, New Zealand, Poland and many other Countries. Thanks to Artur from the Polish MLWZ, to Torodd and Guillermo from ProgArchives, to ...

“Morpho Nestira” reviewed again on ProgArchives

Here’s the review by Andrea Parentin. Grazie per le belle parole che hai speso per il nostro lavoro! if is an Italian prog band from Molise and “Morpho Nestira” is their fourth album, their best so far. It’s an excellent self production with a good sound quality and an amazing ...

if on ProgArchives

ProgArchives.com is maybe the most important community for progressive rock lovers, with hundreds of reviews of the greatest rock music all times. Thanks to our friend Angelo Hulshout if are now on ProgArchives. Angelo put on a page dedicated to the band and reviewed Morpho Nestira. Here’s his review: Not ...

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