
oceans of time

A Music Revolution The First Decade 2006 / 2016

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Melodic Revolution Records!! Celebrate with us Everyone and enjoy the gift of Music…do this TODAY! A Music Revolution The First Decade 2006 / 2016. For the next seven (7) days you will be able to download our music compilation A Music Revolution the First Decade 2006/2016 you will be ...

ifsounds on “Songs for Haiti – Relief throught Music” compilation

On St. Valentine’s Day, the label Melodic Revolution Records will release the compilation “Songs for Haiti”. 2 hours of wonderful music donated by artists all over the world. All proceeds to be donated to charity for the Haiti earthquake. Thanks a lot to Nick Katona for inviting ifsounds to be ...

“Oceans of Time” Track of the week on IMIsound

IMIsound is one of the best Italian music communities with more than 500 hi class musicians in from Italy and abroad. Well, this week Tony Lawson, the heart and the head behind IMIsound choosed Oceans of Time as Track of the Week! Thanks Tony, it’s an honour for us! IMIsound ...

Dietro le ali della farfalla – Un viaggio dentro Morpho Nestira (12)

12. Oceans of Time C’è ancora vita dopo il vuoto? Secondo me sì: il germe della resistenza dello spirito umano, la necessità di tendere verso obiettivi più elevati è innato nella nostra anima, almeno quanto il germe della corruzione. Sta a noi cercare di far prevalere l’istinto che ci spinge ...

Behind the wings of the butterfly – Inside Morpho Nestira. (12)

12. Oceans of Time. Is there still life where is empty? I think yes: our souls still have the need to resist, fighting to reach the highest goals. We have to fight the poison of corruption to elevate our souls, to conquer our Time again. Oceans of Time is about ...

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