

One love! Music for Relief

ITA Abbiamo l’onore e il piacere di mettere a disposizione la nostra musica per una buona causa. La nostra casa discografica Melodic Revolution Records, attraverso la sublabel There is Hope sta per pubblicare una straordinaria compilation con più di 30 artisti e più di 3 ore di grande musica da ...

There is Hope: the charity label by MRR

Nick Katona and the Melodic Revolution Records launched a new charity label, There is Hope. The label distributes digitally wonderful compilations featuring the finest Indie Musicians all around the world who donate some of their music for charity. Nowadays you can find 3 compilations released by the label. Musicians for ...

Songs for Haiti – Relief Through Music

Mastering: Don Rogozinski | DRP Studios | Orlando, Fl Production: Nick Katona | MelodicRevolution Records | Orlando, Fl Artwork: Ed Unitsky On Tuesday January 12th, 2010 an earthquake, a magnitude of 7.0 devastates Haiti. We immediately knew that we had to reach to help all those in need. It has ...

ifsounds on “Songs for Haiti – Relief throught Music” compilation

On St. Valentine’s Day, the label Melodic Revolution Records will release the compilation “Songs for Haiti”. 2 hours of wonderful music donated by artists all over the world. All proceeds to be donated to charity for the Haiti earthquake. Thanks a lot to Nick Katona for inviting ifsounds to be ...

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