
Free streaming against piracy – Buy RISK FREE!!!

Novembre 4, 2010 - Song streaming

Dear friends.

First of all I would like to thank all the people who already bought Apeirophobia and all the ones who supported us with their feedback and their messages.

Our album is getting very popular on the web… maybe too popular, because we experimented an exaggerate interest by “pirates” :-(. Yes, the album is now available for free illegal download from several sites, especially from Russia…
Anyway, we’re glad about this interest, it shows us that our music is very popular worldwide, but it’s clear that both ifsounds and Melodic Revolution Records are losing a lot of money…
Of course we’re not here for the money, we don’t play music moved by greed, we don’t produce COMMERCIAL POP MUSIC and often we simply gave it away (see the FREE compilation and downloads…).

But unfortunately producing an album is not free: we had to pay the guys who printed the CDs, we had to pay to master it, we had to pay to promote and distribute it… And I’m not counting the time of work composing music, recording and mixing it, nor the time and the energies MRR guys spent for Apeirophobia too: pirates are hurting them too!
I know that many of these sites are actually spreading out our music incidentally helping us in promotion, just because they like it, but there are many others that are making money indirectly out of our music gathering clicks for their sponsors.

So we decided to spread our music ourselves: now you can stream the whole Apeirophobia album from our site FOR FREE, every time you want with no restrictions in this page.

If you really love it you can choose to download it illegally or to buy it (in CD or digitally) from one of these sites:

Melodic Revolution Records

And soon from Amazon and i-Tunes too…

So you can buy our music RISK FREE (you already know what you’re buying) and to help us to keep on making music!

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