
Vanesa Muñoz

I wish

A simple video made out with photos by Vanesa Muñoz for our first hit (2005). You can download the whole if album (with I wish) for free from here .

Dietro le ali della farfalla – Un viaggio dentro Morpho Nestira (3)

3. 10 years old. Le larve di Morpho Nestira affrontano i primi problemi della vita: i giochi di bimbi vengono interrotti dalla tensione in casa. I grandi litigano e si separano e per i bambini comincia una nuova vita in cui inevitabilmente si chiede loro di crescere in fretta e ...

Behind the wings of the butterfly – Inside Morpho Nestira. (3)

3. 10 years old. The Morpho Nestira larvae face the early problems in their lives: the children’s games stop because of the tension at home. The parents decide to divorce and children begin a new life and they’re told to grow soon and to understand something they can’t. You can ...

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