
radio alfa krakow


11 Novembre 2010

Posted By: dario // Read More

ifsounds on MLWZ

Yesterday the 10th of November three songs from Apeirophobia played in the fine MLWZ radio show (Radio Alfa – Krakow, Poland) directed by Artur Chachlowki. Thank you Artur for your friendship and for the space you keep on dedicating to our music! You can listen to the show here.

04 Maggio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

if on MLWZ

Our friend Artur Chachlowski will play several songs from Morpho Nestira on his show MLWZ broadcasted on the Polish radio Radio Alfa 102.4 in Krakow. The show will be on air from 8 to 10 p.m. Wednesday the 6th of May, and will be available by podcast on MLWZ page. ...

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