

Download Poison on IMIsound… it’s free!

One more reason to visit the site IMIsound site, the great community managed by our friend Tony Lawson. You can download for free our song Poison for the next few days. So hurry up and don’t miss it, and don’t forget to listen to the great music by the amazing ...

Dietro le ali della farfalla – Un viaggio dentro Morpho Nestira (8)

8. Poison. Comincia Poison: la macchina ha ormai avvelenato il nostro sangue con il materialismo e ne siamo dipendenti… Compriamo in maniera compulsiva fino ad indebitarci fino al collo: “Ho bisogno di un antidoto!”. Al termine della canzone sentiamo a destra una nuova televendita; al centro torna minacciosa l’impiegata della ...

Behind the wings of the butterfly – Inside Morpho Nestira. (8)

8. Poison. Poison begins: the Machine poisoned our blood with materialism and we got addicted… we buy compulsively and we get buried by debts: “I need an antidote…”. When the song fades out we can hear on the right channel another TV commercial. On the center the bank employee comes ...

if on Podcasts

if has joined the podsafemusicnetwork and the first pocaster who selected one of our songs for his show was Steve from UK. Thanks a lot, Steve, to put our song “Poison” in your Dalecast!

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