

Japanese reviews for Apeirophobia

Well, I can’t read Japanese… but I hope that this review on http://www.lily.sannet.ne.jp and this one on http://kakereco.com are good :-P! イタリアのシンフォニックロックバンド、イフサウンズの2010年作 なにやら奇妙なジャケだが、サウンドの方もどことなくB級臭い浮遊感とヘタウマの女性ヴォーカルの歌声に男コーラスが絡み、 プログレ的なムーグシンセにロック風のギターが合わさった、濃密で叙情的、かつシアトリカルな面白い作風。

Strength compilation on “Online with Andrea”

On Monday, March 28th from 7pm – 10pm Eastern Onlinewithandrea features the latest There Is Hope Records CD release to aid the crisis in Japan.  Listen Live or Listen to the Archive via the same link. Strength For Japan Nick Katona from There Is Hope Records in conjunction with Melodic Revolution Records ...

Strength – A compilation for the people of Japan

A Digital CD to help raise money for the people of Japan, in the aftermath of the tragic Tsunami and Earthquakes that have devastated the country since March 11, 2011. We are honoured to collaborate with this charity project with the song Aprile. We made a short video out of ...

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