
Guillermo Hernandez

Apeirophobia on Prog-Sphere

Guillermo Hernández wrote this nice review on Prog-Sphere. ¡Muchas gracias Guillermo! I’ve been following this band and their music for a while, fortunately, last year (2010) they released a new album entitled “Apeirophobia”, an album that also could be considered as the first studio album of Ifsounds, because if we ...

2 reviews of if…sounds on ProgArchives.com

Thanks to Guillermo Hernández and Torodd Fuglesteg for the time that dedicated to our music. The reviews: It once was “If”, now, they are “Ifsounds” Ifsounds are an Italian band that was formed in the 90s, though their first album was released in 2004.

New reviews on ProgArchives

The release of if…sounds created more interest about our very first albums. I’ve seen this on ProgArchives where Guillermo Hernandez (alias memowakeman) and Torodd Fuglesteg reviewed our albums if and In the cave. The reviews are not very positive, but I can agree many things they wrote: those albums were ...

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