
Morpho Nestira reviewed by Branimir Lokner

Posted By: dario On:

Branimir Lokner is a Serbian journalist who leads his own reviews blog and works for the Bosnian site Barikada and for the Serbian site Rock in Serbia. He wrote a great review of our Morpho Nestira in English for his blog and in Serbian for Barikada (soon it will be published on Rock in Serbia too).

Thanks a lot Branimir, you’re a great friend! Hvala ti!

Italian IF are relatively known act not only on domestic field, even that all things they did ( and still do ) with own forces. They were formed back in 1993 year, and released 4 albums till now. Actuelle one is “Morpho Nestira” , and judging by net informations, they did quite a god job in promotional activities and so call media marketing. They works in quintet formation, fronted by key person, guitarist and author – Dario Lastella.
” Morpho Nestira” is a conceptual product, where lyrical approach speaks about inhumanities in modern world. Musically, a band has offered own views and visions, even that some influences comes out from the legacies of 80’s Genesis and Pink Floyd as well. But, I would add that mentioned comparativities aren’ t important for general description of its music and concept. They have offered a fine melodc levels, and its performings also deliver tipical Italian energy and emotionals. Arrangments creations are also colourful, and unexpecting in many album places. Some of foreighn reviewers wrote that band didn’ t productionally sastisfies, but I must disagree with mentioned statements. A production simply follows up conceptuality of album, and what is more important, psychologically sustain a group’s ideas. “Morpho Nestira” deserves repeatable listeners attention, but this is very recomandable album , and litlle masterpiece in newer progressive production.

rating : 9/10

Italijanski akt IF relativno je poznato ime ne samo na domacem terenu, iako su sve stvari oko karijere radili (i jos uvek rade) sami – sopstvenim snagama. Formirani su 1993. godine, a do sada su objavili 4 albuma. Aktuelni se zove “Morpho Nestira”, i kako se da proveriti preko net informacija, do sada su uradili puno na vlastitoj promociji i tkzv. medijskom marketingu. Deluju u postavi kvinteta, a predvodi ih kljucna figura – gitarista i autor – Dario Lastella.
“Morpho Nestira” je konceptualni produkt, tekstualno zaokupljen dehumanizacijom u modernom drustvu. Muzicki, ponudili su svoje poglede i originalno izrazajno vidjenje, iako odredjene influence dolaze iz kuhinje Genesisa i Pink Floyda, iz njihovih radova iz 80-tih godina. Ali, takodje bih dodao, pomenuta poredjenja nisu toliko presudna kada opisujemo njihov izraz i koncept.
Ponudili su sjajne melodijske linije, a njihov nacin muziciranja apsorbuje puno lirskih i emocionalnih elemenata. Aranzmanska resenja su takodje koloritna i na mnogim mestima potpuno neocekivana. Pojedini strani recenzenti su istakli kako njihov materijal produkcijski ne zadovoljava, ali moram reci da se ne slazem sa pomenutim stavovima. Produkcija jednostavno prati konceptualnu nit albuma i ono sto je jos vaznije – psiholoski “podrzava” ideje benda.
“Morpho Nestira” zavredjuje “ponovljenu” slusaocevu paznju i rec je u svakom smislu o vrlo preporucljivom izdanju i pravom biseru novije progressive produkcije.

Ocena: 9/10

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